Saturday, January 4, 2014

His Perfect Timing

I started to write this yesterday, but got to feeling so bad I couldn't finish.  Being sick was set back #1.  It has prevented me from getting to see my kindred.  I was hoping to catch up with her with some late night chats, yummy coffee with some Milano cookies.  To have that warm comfort of sharing, her knowing without me always having to explain, and that complete understanding.  I was looking forward to some downtime and a little 'me' time before the Dr. appts and surgery.  I hope and pray I will be energized enough by Monday.  On the flipside though (because I do always try to find the positive side)  I get to spend a couple more days with my husband (which he's happy about), he had a little extra time to get the oil changed in the car without being rushed, and I have gotten to spend a little bit more time with Tory. 

So earlier today I checked the weather and forecast models showed 6-9 in of snow in St. Louis for the weekend and only about 4" in Rogersville.  So my plan was to leave Sunday morning before the snow got really heavy in St. Louis and stay over since the hotel I'm staying at Monday is right next to Childrens.  Well, the hotel was sold out for Sunday because of all the stay overs in anticipation for the storm.  And now I get the latest update that the predictions for snow are even more than originally predicted.  So, that is set back #2.  I will try to leave Monday sometime, but there's a good chance I'll have to cancel Anya's urology appts. 

All this to get to my original reason for posting, which is about Anya's surgery.  I had unexpectedly heard from same day surgery yesterday.  I was lead to believe I'd be hearing from them Monday, but I was happy to have heard from them yesterday.  I'm a planner, so knowing a little bit more ahead of time was nice.  Anya is scheduled for her surgery at 6:15.  At least that is when we need to check in for her surgery.  The nurse said Tuesdays at that time is busy, so only two people in the waiting area.  When Anya gets done with surgery, only one parent allowed in at a time.  They prefer the parents to be involved with her care such as with her catheterizations and such.  I'm thinking we will have to be on a schedule to allow for time for each parent.  A parent will also be allowed to stay overnight with Anya as well.  I pray for good communication, for us not thinking of ourselves, but for what is good for Anya.

The urologist had also called me yesterday. The lady that does the urodynamic profile on the kidneys is out of town and is supposed to come back Monday.  But because of weather she may not make it in, so the urodynamic part may be cancelled anyway. That could potentially be rescheduled Wednesday when Anya should hopefully be able to be checked out, depending on how she is doing.  The doctors will have to communicate also to see if she'd be up for that or not. 

All this seems like a lot of planning, on my part and the doctors.  What it all comes down to ultimately is God's perfect timing.  He's the one orchestrating everything, and He knows the best time for everything.  I need to trust and have security in that. 

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